Energy - NY City faces PROBABILITY of blackouts : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

N.Y. Faces Probability of Blackouts

NEW YORK (AP) -- The state could avoid the power problems that have plagued California by speeding up the process under which new power plants are built, a report says.

New York faces an increased probability of blackouts if it fails to act and the state falls below state-mandated power supply requirements, William J. Museler, president of the New York Independent System Operator, said Wednesday in releasing an agency report.

He said New York could be driven to the brink in the coming years without additional electricity supplies.

New York is nowhere near the crisis stage reached by California earlier this year, ''but we are going in the wrong direction,'' Museler said.

If the ISO's recommendations are met, wholesale electricity prices could be reduced by up to 25 percent at an annual savings of $1.4 billion a year, the report said.

Museler said 85 power projects are currently proposed for the state but only two have been approved. He said developers are eager to build but the approval process can take several years and construction two to three more.

New York Public Service Commission spokesman David C. Flanagan said applications were complete for another five plants, including three in New York City that could be online by June.

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2001

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