When to do vertical reduction

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Now that I'm able to capture at higher demensions (more processing power), I'm experimenting with capturing using Virtual Dub at 352x480, then reducing to 352x240 using the resize filter. I've heard that capturing at x480 eleminates the need to de-interlace, improving the quality of the capture. Any thoughts on this?

Since I pump everthing through the VCD template in TMPGEnc, has anyone compared using the technique mentioned above to just having TMPGEnc do the re-sizing on the fly?

-- me (snake_mountain@hotmail.com), March 15, 2001


No, capturing at 352x480 does not eliminate interlace. The fact that you reduce to 352x240 is the interlace removal mechanism. Does it improve picture quality? Yes, for the captured AVI but not necessarily for the VCD made from it.

-- ktnwin (ktnwin@excite.com), September 27, 2001.

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