Recipes from the : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Co-Despot posts: 18 (11/6/00 1:20:27 pm) Reply | Edit | Del AllRecipes for your pantry/prep items . . . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Some of you might remember Robert Waldrop from the old TB2k Greenspun forum; he posted the "Printable Flyers" threads. Here is another one from him with some good ideas for using 'stuff' in your pantry. None of the suggestions were new to me -- and probably not to y'all, either -- but it's worth a read anyway.
Brooks Registered User posts: 133 (11/6/00 3:11:11 pm) Reply | Edit | Del
Re: Recipes for your pantry/prep items . . . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm an all-in-the-same-pot kinda person. Probably because my very first kitchen (a hole-in-the-wall in Back Bay) was just about large enough to reach into. Definitely no room for any additional people.
I don't think I'm remembering this right, but someone on TB Classic posted a basic casserole approach that does well for the masses of canned and dry goods that I have. It was something along the line of 1 part (canned) protein, 1 part starch (noodles, rice, potatoes), 1 part veggies. Some kind of sauce (like canned cream of mushroom), but I don't remember if this was considered a fourth, equal part or not.
-- Anonymous, March 14, 2001