Recent publications on Freud-Nietzsche? : LUSENET : History & Theory of Psychology : One Thread

Has anyone come across any recent material on the historical and theoretical connections between Freud and Nietzsche?

-- Scott Greer (, March 14, 2001



Here's what PsychInfo coughs up searching Freud and Neitzsche since 1997:

Perspectivism, constructivism, and empathy in psychoanalysis: Nietzsche and Kohut. By Chessick, Richard D. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis. 1997 Fal Vol 25(3) 373-398

Gott ist tot--Friedrich Nietzsches Oedipuskomplex. /God is dead--Friedrich Nietzsche's Oedipus complex. By Wilkes, Johannes Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie. 1997 Apr Vol 46(4) 268-277

Nietzsche--O "Sao Joao Baptista da psicanalise". Nietzsche--"Psychoanalysis of St. John the Baptist". By Amaral, Marcio Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria. 1997 Apr Vol 46(4) 201-204

The heart of the matter: R. D. Laing's enigmatic relationship with psychoanalysis. By Thompson, M. Guy Psychoanalytic Review. 2000 Aug Vol 87(4) 483-509

The heart of the matter: R. D. Laing's enigmatic relationship with psychoanalysis. By Thompson, M. Guy Humanistic Psychologist. 1999 Spr Vol 27(1) 51-79

[Same article? Two journals? Hmmm.]

Narrating the modern's subjection: Freud's theory of the Oedipal complex. By Chowers, Eyal History of the Human Sciences. 2000 Aug Vol 13(3) 23-45

Nietzsche and the romantic construction of adolescence. By Rakoff, Vivian M. Esman, Aaron H. (Ed). Adolescent psychiatry: Developmental and clinical studies, Vol. 22. (pp. 39-56).Hillsdale, NJ, US: The Analytic Press, Inc (1998) xv, 330 pp.

Is there a future in disillusion? Constructionist and deconstructionist approaches in psychoanalysis. By Carveth, Donald L. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis. 1999 Sum Vol 27(2) 285-318

Jung and the postmodern: The interpretation of realities. By Hauke, Christopher Florence, KY, US: Taylor & Francis/Routledge (2000) xvi, 304 pp.

Jung in contexts: A reader. By Bishop, Paul (Ed) Florence, KY, US: Taylor & Francis/Routledge (1999) xxi, 294 pp.

Adolescent psychiatry: Developmental and clinical studies, Vol. 22. By Esman, Aaron H. (Ed) Hillsdale, NJ, US: The Analytic Press, Inc (1998) xv, 330 pp.

The widening scope of shame. By Lansky, Melvin R. (Ed); Morrison, Andrew P. (Ed) Hillsdale, NJ, US: The Analytic Press, Inc (1997) xviii, 437 pp.

Ethics and the discovery of the unconscious. By Riker, John Hanwell Albany, NY, US: State University of New York Press (1997) x, 254 pp.

-- Christopher Green (, March 14, 2001.

Philosopher's Index also has several articles in this area. The following are the most recent (99-00):

Simonelli, T. (2000). La place de Nietzsche dans la genealogie de la psychanalyse. Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 54(211), 149-162.

Le Rider, J. (2000). La vie, l'histoire et la memoire dans la seconde Consideration inactuelle de Nietzsche. Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 54(211), 77-98.

Godde, G. (1999). Eine neue Interpretation von Freuds Verhaltnis zu Nietzsche. Nietzsche Studien Internationales Jahrbuch fur die Nietzsche Forschung, 27, 463-480.

-- Mirisse Foroughe (, March 14, 2001.

My book 'Freud's Philosophy of the Unconscious' [Studies in Cognitive Systems, Vol. 23]. Dordrecht & Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, has a chapter partially devoted to Nietzsche's putative influence on Freud.

-- David L. Smith (, March 16, 2001.

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