FINNALLY! After the Latest Florida Recount - A WINNER! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

-- Election 2000 (is, March 14, 2001


And the winner is.............

....and she is not a crook!

-- Who the hilly-hey is she? (may@never.know!), March 14, 2001.

Here are the photos of the new veep, Secretary of State, and Attorney General.

-- Anita are these your daughters friends? (60's@all.over), March 14, 2001.

It's a much better looking adminstration than we currently have. LOL!

-- jammy (jammin@with.jammy), March 14, 2001.

Looks like all of you could use a bath!

-- Ron Wesson (, March 15, 2001.

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