What is wrong with boks?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Past couple of days, when trying to get into bok's chat room, I get a dns error. Anyone else having this problem? Where are you all chatting at now?

-- (BettyPaige01@hotmail.com), March 13, 2001


just keep trying...must be a problem with homestead's server...

-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), March 13, 2001.

Try MSN chatroom "Wild West"

-- (wild@west.msn chat), March 13, 2001.

And how do you get there to MSN?

-- nitwit (dumby@dumbynitwit.nit), March 13, 2001.

Gone now. But, for future reference, you have to sign up and download their software (which means identifying yourself via a real e-mail). You will need the exact name of the room. Take if from there!

-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), March 14, 2001.

I guess if Bok's was the hit-snot place to be, it would be easy to get there. It ain't that important is it?

-- nitwit (dumby@dumbynitwit.nit), March 14, 2001.

Open Chat

All welcome =)

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), March 15, 2001.

damn geena! trying again...

Open Chat

-- (cin@cin.cin), March 15, 2001.

bump for Al and others

-- (cin@cin.cin), March 23, 2001.

Here's a bump for the chitchatter question! The link is at the bottom!

-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), March 27, 2001.

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