Spay and Neutering : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

We have two new pure breed Maine Coon Kittens. A male and female 15 weeks old. I need to know when the best time to alter them is. I want to do it at the right time to optimize their organ growth so the operation causes no problems from that perspective. Additionally, I want the male to have NO desire to mark his territory by spraying. Soo...I want to get him early enough to preclude him learning this habit/trait. And further, I want to cause them to grow as much as possible. I understand that if they are altered then they will grow even larger.

Please help me with specifics.

Chuck . . .

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2001


Check with your vet but anytime between 4 to 6 months is usually OK.

-- Anonymous, March 14, 2001

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