The 'Big Three' ROM Sites : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Ok so have stopped because of banner sponsor problems but the other two main sites I usually go to for my MAME ROMs have stopped making them available too. Is this just a strange coincidence or do they all have problems with the same banner company?

-- LordGaz (, March 13, 2001


I'm surprised that no one has been following the news. Most of what is happening right now is directly attributable to the ongoing eFront scandal, which Tim E. was directly involved in. Somebody got vengeful and pointed out that A@H was not hosting ROMS in Taiwan, they were being served up off the website's server, and the ISDA was apparently alerted as well--this because people were so pissed off about what Tim said about Penny Arcade and other sites that eFront was 'serving' (read 'screwing'). I'm not sure if this is the complete reason for emuviews and as well, but it can't be too far off.

-- Q.T.Quazar (, March 13, 2001.

To finish off what Q.T. was saying, the activities regarding A@H and Efront had nothing to do with Emuviews and the lack of ROM support. Jose says that it is because of bandwidth prices or something. Also, and this is my $.02, he took down access when both the Napster thing started to really catch on fire, and when Nintendo had that 22 year old guy arrested.

As for, well, all the explitives in the world couldn't describe my feelings towards a site that didn't deserve to die. If you guys know anything extra, chip in.

- J.D.

-- J.D. Lowe (, March 13, 2001.

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