selectable buttons with vidpack4 : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I just got videopack 4 and it took me a while to get a working menus and buttons. But i find (im using uncheck hotspot only and autonumber) that i cant select the buttons (with my mouse, i assume it would work the same under a standalone dvd player) the only way i can access the menus is by using the numerical keypad. Also, is there any way to setup a menu to be selectable by the player (the "menu" button on a dvd remote)?

-- Roger Stone (, March 12, 2001


Hey Roger,

What exactly are you trying to say? You lost me a little. The vcds with menus i have made in VP 4, when i put it in my homedeck dvd player and push play it goes straight to the neu, thats the first thing it sees. As far as i know thier is noway to hit the menu button to bring up the menu. However you can always make the next,previous, or return buttons as that fucntion instead

-- Doug (, March 12, 2001.

Can somebody give me a tutorial of how to use VideoPack 4.0? My friend loan me the software but I have no idea how to use it. I'd like to know how to use MENUS and possibly dividing up MPEG clips into chapters. I read from other places that I can use chapters with VideoPack 4.0. Any help would be appreciated.

-- Simon (, March 12, 2001.

There are provisions in the VCD ver 2.0 standard for graphical hotspots. But unlike DVD where selective pressing of direction/menu buttons can make you navigate a menu when playing on a stand-alone DVD player, all you can have recourse to are the numeric buttons, as well as return, prev, next, and maybe FF and REV if it's VCD. But when using a comprehensive s/w player designed to take advantage of these hotspots on a PC, you can click actual buttons on the VCD menu with the mouse so that they lead to play items. One example is Xing player. VideoPack4 is one such authoring app that allows you to specify the positions and sizes of the buttons on the menu, and to what play item these are supposed to lead to. You can design a simple menu with these buttons on it or have a fancy JPEG image for the menu; either way you specify what spots can be validly clicked by the mouse, which complements exactly the same action should the VCD be used on a stand-alone player.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, March 13, 2001.

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