From "WORLDNETDAILY" News Link - (REUTERS) Foot-and-mouth spreads in UK: Despite government assurances devastating livestock disease under : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
From "WORLDNETDAILY" News Link - (REUTERS) Foot-and-mouth spreads in UK: Despite government assurances devastating livestock disease under control
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, March 12, 2001
This weekend,The Irish Minister of resource called Britain "the Leper of Europe" and was calling on all other countries in the EU to treat the UK accordingly.The Irish Government believe the the UK is not taking sufficient precautions to contain the disease.Here in County Mayo,Ireland we are in the middle of beef country.Disinfectant mats are outside each shop never mind each farm.120 sheep have been slaughtered about 15 miles away as a precaution because they came from Northern Ireland.We are in the middle of calving and lamnbing and animals should be going out to the fields.No animals can be moved not even within the confines of a farm.So they stay inside the barns with the new calves & lambs causing a serious threat to animal welfare because of overcrowding. When will end ?The Irish Government have said not until the UK is clear. In the meantime,all public use of the countryside has been prohibited.No angling (both sea and lake),no walking,no horse riding etc.All National Parks are closed.Nearly all sport has been cancelled even matches between schools.The Tourism Industry is sinking slowly as we all wait to see whether the Celtic Tiger is going to get foot & mouth.
-- Chris (, March 12, 2001.
How can the answers elude so many?Give up the meat already sheesh. Use the land for farming crops and consume alternative sources of protein.
-- (cin@cin.cin), March 12, 2001.
give up the meat already? Are you nuts? It's there own damned fault. We don't have those problems here because we know how to prevent it before it happens. The solution is that they should kill off all of their cattle and buy their beef from the U.S
-- Bosco (, March 13, 2001.