Professional photographer! Change job with me? : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread


I am a professional staff photographer working for one of the biggest daily newspapers, Turun Sanomat, in Finland. IŽd like to change job for some time f.ex next summer with some professional staff photographer in an english speaking country (f.ex Ireland or UK).

My motives for suggesting this are that IŽd like to improve my skills in photojournalism by working some time abroad. I'd also like to brush up my english.

The photographer in chief for Turun Sanomat, Kalle Ipatti, thinks the idea is great. We think that this "photographer exchange" could be useful and fun for both sides. I believe we could learn a lot from each other.

If you and the newspaper you are working for are interested, please contact me by email:

-- Marttiina Sairanen (, March 12, 2001


i am in photography businness from last 30 years and i am looking job in this field ,i am a member of ASMP from a yesr i was working in lab one in chicago from last 4 years i am doing all kind of format i am mor intresting in architect photography and catlog photography if U have any opertunity please e-mail me thanks

-- vajir musabji (, December 25, 2001.

Hello sir, I'm photographer from india,working preelance studio,press, &wedding photography.If there is any job please send me by email. Experiance 10year's. Thank Q sir,have a nice day.

-- domal kamraj (, July 31, 2002.

I am a professional freelance photographer biggest newshouse in Kolkata. I would like to change my job with some proffesional photographer

-- Amar Dutta (, February 14, 2003.

Hi, I am living in New York City and the economy right now is not the best. This statment have the moste photographers in town. I found a job like a castume printer 6 mounth ago. and now? the company will after 20 years closed because many poeple have a digital printer at home. Well, thats live. Basecly for all photographers: You must see and visit New York City. The World of Photography. Good luck. David

-- david (, June 06, 2003.

hi , i am i professional photographer of a renowned newspaper(deccan chronicle) in hyderabad and i did work for the times of india and also for indian express as a staff photographer. i would like to work for better house either in india or abroad. thanking you. krishnendu halder hyderabad india

-- Krishnendu Halder (, October 31, 2003.

Sir, i am doing job photography in india newspaper.i am doing studay in fine art (INDIA MSU COLLAGE BARODA)so i write to latter to you for photography job. i write my email address give to my aunswer samir dave

-- dave samir m (, December 15, 2003.

same one

-- ccvijayakumar (, January 08, 2004.

Hellow , I am a professional photographer ,now working in a advertising agency.But I have a deepest desire to do photojournalism anywher in world. I like the challenging aspect of photojournalism and its true way of showing reality and depicting life. As a passout student of Fine Art I have also the creative vision to give a height to a newsphotography mere than a snapshot. I am looking for a better scope to explore my ability as a photojournalist and if you have any requirement then please let me know.Thanking you.

-- Mukunda De (mukunda, March 26, 2004.

i am a professional photographer as well as i had do industrial cummercial, product & natural photography. i have 1&1\2 year experience i like to join other professional photographer. i am living in india in poona city .

-- aditya t gurav (, July 30, 2004.


If anyone out there is reading this -

I am the staff photographer for Converse. I've done extensive photoshoots in Italy while traveling 5 years ago. I also shoot weddings and portraits.

I am looking for an opportunity to travel abroad again and work as a photographer. Please view my website: and let me know if there are any opportunities out there. Thanks!

Michael, living in New Hampshire USA (near Boston)

-- Michael Khachadoorian (, September 29, 2004.

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