ITK is on the injury and transfer list : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

After the problems I was trying to get advice on a couple of weeks ago (the knocking and tapping) in my PC at home, it eventually died at the weekend.......just over a year old, not that much stuff on it, and needs a new hard drive already! bliddy useless workmanship again.

Added to that, I finish working for old auntie on Thursday so if HP don't get it fixed before then, that's me out of it for a while.

Boooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001


So my diagnosis was correct!! I presume you took plenty of backups???

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

Backups ? Backups ? You'd have to be a real wimp to admit to making backups. :-))

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

Sorry PB, shouldn't let my "professional training" (?) cloud my judgement. You're right of course. Backups are only for southern softies. Hard Geordies don't need them.

Just popping oot - no coat, no hat and no bliddy shart - despite temps here being well below and a fresh dump of snow. Nurse, hit me again with that birch branch.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

I have never done a back up in my bliddy life,

The helpline were able to get me into a 'soft start-up' so that I could access one directory and back up my most important stuff (my CV and job applications I have sent out recently) and I was able to get them onto floppy, but when I tried to get some of the other stuff onto disc, I realised that all my floppy discs were formatted to my olkd friggin Atari and were bliddy useless (at that point)

So primarily I have lost everything. It wasn't much as far as work stuff etc is concerned, but I will also have lost all my internet settings, including access to the DT admin site and also my E Mail address book. Once I get it back up and running, I'll be pesterng you all for your mobile numbers, sepoerate E mail address' from the board ones, and address' etc.

What kind of dipstick am I!

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

A soon to be unemployed dipstick?

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

No excuses for being completely without internet access in London, ITK. Plenty of Easy Everything shops around! :-)

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

Easy Everything? Is that in the Soho area?

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

Happy freedom ITK - and best wishes in whatever you decide to do.
Make sure you fully enjoy the spell of freedom, mind.
Sounds like "happy new pc" might also be in order. Get yersel sorted and back on line - nee excuses will be accepted!

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

Yes. Have a good time ITK. What are we going to do without that inside knowledge? Hope you can still wangle access to secrets ITK.

-- Anonymous, March 12, 2001

ITK - hope everything sorts itself out soon. Looking forward to your being back on line, having secured a wonderful job, and saying `BBC? Pah - who needs `em!` (:o)

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2001

All the very best, ITK.

Don't even think of going AWOL !

-- Anonymous, March 13, 2001

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