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More Sex Urged
Friday, March 9 9:22 PM SGT
Tennis legend Bjoern Borg urges Europeans to have more sex
STOCKHOLM, March 9 (AFP) - Tennis legend Bjoern Borg wants Europeans to have more sex and recommends they learn from the "Swedish model" to increase people production -- and ensure future financing for pensions.
"We have a bit of a delicate problem here in the western world: there aren't enough babies being born," the five-time Wimbledon winner said in a full-page advertisement published in Sweden's main financial daily Dagens Industri.
An English language text printed on a large color photograph of 11 striking young women dressed as hospital midwives said: "If nothing drastic happens soon there won't be anyone who can work and put up for our pensions.
"Bad karma! Luckily there is a simple solution that is both enjoyable and relaxing: The Swedish model. An intimate form of socialising that, if done properly, will keep midwives labouring all over Europe.
"So the humble advice from Bjoern Borg is quite simply: Get to it!"
The advertisment concluded with an admonition to readers to "F--- for Future" and Borg's signature. There was no other explanation for the stunt.
The tennis star also produces various clothing lines marketed under his name.
-- Masters Johnson (, March 10, 2001
Funny to read but Borg's encouragement has a very real side. Sweden's demographics are crashing headlong into their socialist dreams.Anyone know if Borg is dumb enough to still be a Swedish citizen taxwise?
-- Carlos (, March 11, 2001.
Toured some of Italy, Switzerland and Germany last summer. Almost no kids anywhere. It was a strange contrast to the U.S., where "baby culture" seems to be getting more prevalent every year.
-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), March 12, 2001.
Almost no kids anywhere.Be still my beating heart. There is a place such as this? Truly? Why do I suddenly hear Judy singing - "Somewhere, over the rainbow..."
Must I acquire ruby slippers to initiate the journey to this mythical paradise or will steel-toe workboots suffice?
-- Rich (, March 12, 2001.