Chuck the FAT fright driver strikes again : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

[TIP][NOT-OT] The Point……. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of the Exercise seems to have been lost.

At one time, the point was to enable the members of the forum to prepare for a coming "problem" which we were able to "define" with the short-hand term "Y2K and surrounding Issues". These "issues" ranged from a complete loss of infrastructure web (precipitated by the loss or failure of one of the legs of the "Iron Triangle"), to "My paycheck is never quite right". We discussed how to prepare for worst case scenarios. Each person's worst case was different. Each one seemed to have elements from several general failures or general areas of difficulty, such that there were broad types of strategies that would answer MANY people's concerns. And we shared those strategies. And we shared those concerns.

PREPARATION was the overarching principle of the group. Preparation for loss of grid power, for loss of infrastructure water distribution or infrastructure food distribution, or transportation, or financial networking.

The board was NOT "conspiracy Central" where a "Unified Conspiracy Theory" was under development.

It was NOT "End-times Prophecy HQ" where the merits of various Prophets and interpretations of the Book of Revelations were endlessly debated, evaluated and reevaluated.

We have morphed over the last 15 months, of necessity, (intellectual honesty at LEAST required the morph) from a Year 2000 Issues forum to a Current Events Issues Forum (Year 2000 Issues became CURRENT issues by DEFINITION, after all). The seeds of this morph were planted in 1998 as I and other rank and file posters used to proclaim (or sometimes Declaim, and the two ARE different) that "Y2K WILL NOT HAPPEN IN A VACCUUM" on a lot of OT (OFF topic) threads. Well, what was then Off Topic but, Dang It, PART of the Problem, has become ON topic because it IS part of the matrix we live in.

Over the past 3-5 months, we have even lost a lot of THAT focus. For instance, this morning Mrs D said to me, "You didn't tell me Bush blocked the Airline Strike." I hadn't seen ANYTHING here on the board in ref the Mechanics Union being ready to go on strike against Northwest. (And while I don't open EVERY thread, I DO read EVERY header.)

HOW did we miss this?? This is an example of our loss of focus.

It begins to look as though if it ain't Israel, End Times, chemtrails, JBT's, or Bilderburger/Illuminati/NWO that we no longer care. I didn't sign on for that kind of board.


There are two simple cures for this loss of focus/Board Drift.

Method 1: the ADULT version

On the ONE hand, the ADULT cure is for folks to read this thread, and take it to heart. Right down deep to heart. And for each and every one of us to look at the content of what ever it is that we are posting and to ask ourselves "Does this have anything to do with a Board that is focused on preparing to deal with hard times, or a Board that is focused on identifying where these hard times are coming from and how soon they may be here, or a Board heavily involved in Current Events?"

If the answer is "YUP, NO question" then hit submit.

If the answer is "I THINK so, pretty much. And I think the rest of the folk will agree." Then hit submit.

If the answer is "well, maybe." Then the back button might be more appropriate.

CLEARLY, the second category will require some fine tuning. BUT we are assuming (yes that DOES translate as "ASS - U - ME") that the participants are A*D*U*L*T*S. And, yes, on past form this MAY be a stretch.

METHOD 2: The Juvenalian Version

(Go look up Juvenal and THEN get offended)

This is the version that most of the sysops have been hinting at and threatening for several days. The sledgehammer approach. It starts out by consolidating your threads for you if you can't seem to do it yourself. It then runs to deleting them or escorting you to see the Egress. NONE (NO not even ONE) of the sysops WANTS to have to go to the Juvenalian route. ALL of the sysops have been driven VERY CLOSE to the edge of THAT particular abyss over the past week or so.

If'n y'all cain't play like at LEAST sixth graders, we'll be forced to go that route.

And, no, there won't be a post that says "WHUPS WE got to go Juvenal."

It'll just happen.

And we will ALL be ever so much the poorer for it.


-- Manny's little brother (, March 10, 2001


Looks like Chuck wants to take a positive,constructive direction. So, what's your point?

-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), March 10, 2001.

Sometimes I swear Chuck belongs over here,but then again,he's *still* over there.Maybe he is startin' to GI?

-- capnfun (, March 10, 2001.


Chuck lied to me once. You may be more tolerant than me. But for me: you lie once and you can't be trusted again. May be part of my heritage.

Best Wishes,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, March 10, 2001.


‘Chuckie’ III? That would be fun!

-- So (, March 10, 2001.

Chuck does not belong here, unless of course you want to be censored.

-- No censorship (chuck@is.lame), March 10, 2001.

Don't you think it's a bit juvenile to call someone fat? LAME

-- (cin@cin.cin), March 10, 2001.

What did Chuck lie to you about, Z?

-- Inquiring (MindsW@nt.toknow), March 10, 2001.


FAT is just shorthand for "Fit And Trim". Why do you take such offense? You wouldn't happen to be fat, would you?

-- Flint (, March 11, 2001.

Chuck is PHAT, he is 'da bomb!

-- as if (oh@yeah.right), March 11, 2001.

Flint, not if she tried.

Why is the "censorship" at EZB a constant amazement to some? The entire reason that board was set up was to specifically weed out the Bad Elements; people like Flint and me and others .....

You can well imagine the horrendous gang WE could have started. Oh the HUMANITY!!!!! Good thing they have locks on doors, else who knows the havoc we could wreak.

(I couldn't even type that with a straight face.)

Point being there are people out there who just look for any sign of "doom"; hell, it doesn't even have to be a "sign of doom", they'll make it up if they're pre-disposed to "doom". And then there are just a lot of nutcases out there.

If you look at it in another light, it's Hours of Uninterrupted Free Entertainment. But surprise? Passed the "surprise stage" a few years ago.

-- (, March 11, 2001.


He lied to me about masterbating with his pet hampster with my sister.

Best Wishes,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, March 11, 2001.

-- chucks in luv (c@i.l), March 11, 2001.

Looks like Chuck censored himself. Anyone still have a copy of the post and the responses?

-- (chuck@e.cheEZBoard), March 12, 2001.

Oh yeah, there's ANOTHER new spinoff forum located here. It's just like TB2K, except that it's Uncensored. What a stupid idea. They must be just a bunch of Debunker Trolls.

-- (chuck@e.cheEZBoard), March 12, 2001.

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