Astrology Anyone? Kona : LUSENET : SARO1's Inner Connections : One Thread

Author Comment Kona2 Registered User posts: 67 (1/31/01 3:34:56 pm) | Del All Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used to follow astrology as a hobby. I always knew what sign the moon was in and how it affected people. Never really got into the different angles and technical stuff or doing charts though.

Well, I have to find out what’s going on today. I heard a bunch of sirens a while ago so I put on the scanner. I have heard almost nothing but domestic problems and fights in schools for hours now. I don’t usually listen to the scanner for so long during the day, but I doubt there is always so much violence going on in one afternoon.

Does anyone know what could be causing this???

Barefoot Mailman Chief Techie posts: 460 (1/31/01 5:19:02 pm) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mad kid disease?

SAR01 ezOP posts: 1521 (2/1/01 1:48:21 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astrology! I was hoping someone would come forward that knows abit about it!!!!! Kona..are you up for it?

Kona2 Registered User posts: 71 (2/1/01 3:20:26 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think so Barefoot! Don’t know what’s wrong with some of these kids today! It wasn’t only kids though. I heard calls to many homes for domestic situations involving adults.

Sue, I’ve always been interested in Astrology. Like I said before I don’t know all about the different angles and I never did charts. I have tons of books on the subject, unfortunately my scanner is not hooked up to any puter right now.

I’m sure there is a lot out there on the net. The thing is finding good sources. I use to love the Cosmic Muffin’s daily reports. They were brief, but informative. Think he gave up on them online though. I found a pretty good site today, but haven’t even scratched the surface. It has a lot of basic material and gets into a lot more.

I was able to find out that the moon was in Taurus this afternoon. I never realized it had an “argumentative” tone to it! I know there are many, many factors involving everyday things, but I’ve always found the sign the moon is in to be pretty accurate in predicting behavior. Especially my own! I used to know that it had changed signs by the way I felt. That's what got me looking into it in the first place.


Moon in Taurus

The Moon in Taurus ushers in a time of caution and practicality. People may feel more conservative and stable. This is a good time to continue or to finish projects that have already been started, as people may be more dependable and thorough. Like the stubborn Bull representative of Taurus, people may be bull-headed -- unwilling to compromise and argumentative. Care needs to be taken to avoid self-indulgence and excessive concern or desire for material possessions.

Beckie on the farm Forum Guide posts: 149 (2/1/01 7:29:49 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kona, if you think of Taurus as the bull, it helps to remember that this sign can be "bull-headed". In case you are wondering, I am a Taurus and that is something I have to watch in myself DH is Aries, the Ram and we lock horns regularly

SAR01 ezOP posts: 1527 (2/1/01 1:28:31 pm) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kona....thank you so much for that post...believe it or just happen to hit with something going on for us right now....Dan is a Tauras..I am Cancer......and with what is happening, this was great advise to know for today. I'd be honored if you have time to post things like this, I can make a new forum...what do you all think. I can add to it, just right now id hectic for me!

ZladyOCH Forum Guide posts: 163 (2/1/01 1:57:01 pm) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kona the last few days at school(I work in a school) the kids have been extremely rowdy and obnoxious. I had my scanner on the other night and there were not less then 5 calls for domestic arguments with in a hour. That was only in my little town.

by the way I am a leo and so is hubby...makes for some interesting conversations. z ~Come Join Us at OurCountryHaven Community!~

Kona2 Registered User posts: 75 (2/1/01 3:38:57 pm) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, according to where I looked yesterday the moon is still in the sign of Taurus. If I remember correctly, the moon changes signs every 55 hours. The site I checked uses GMT time and I haven’t figured out the difference yet, but it still says Taurus. I don’t know when it entered the sign and when it will exit.

I knew about the bullheaded part of Taurus, but never thought about the argumentative nature of the sign. My cousin, who is like a brother to me and is a month apart from me in age is a Taurus and he rarely fights with anyone. I must say though he can be stubborn sometimes! I do realize that there are many factors other than our sun sign that makes us who we are.

I have some great books. I think I’ll brush up a bit!

Sue, if you think enough of us will enjoy an Astrology Forum, I’ll be glad to contribute. There is a lot of basic stuff that we can start with.

BTW, I’m an Aries! I have found though that my moon and rising signs have a lot to do with my behavior and personality. Oh, DH is a Cancer. Fire & Water!!! We do ok though!

Barefoot Mailman Chief Techie posts: 465 (2/1/01 3:42:03 pm) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kona, GMT is five hours ahead of EST.

Yarrow Spirit Registered User posts: 61 (2/2/01 12:51:57 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interesting... tonight in a town north of us... 3 people were killed and 2 injuried... claiming a murder suicide...

I'm a cusp of Cancer!!

SAR01 ezOP posts: 1534 (2/2/01 2:26:51 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, guys, some we want to have astrology...will some of you help Kona????

For what it is worth, today...2-2-01 Mercury Retrogrades....wish i could just cut and paste the just of tired right now to even try to explain.

Kona2 Registered User posts: 82 (2/2/01 3:05:18 pm) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you Barefoot! It’s nice to know the difference between GMT and EST cause a lot of those quake sites use that time too. You saved me the trouble of looking it up!

Sue, I found that Mercury will go retrograde on the 4th. Here’s what one site had to say about it:

For Educational Use

Mercury Retrograde – Mark Your Calendars!

Three times each year, for a three week time period, the planet Mercury goes retrograde. (This means from the perspective of the Earth, Mercury looks to be moving backward in the zodiac). What can we experience during Mercury retrogrades? – most often, increased frustration, interruptions and snafu's that make even simple projects seem impossible You will need more caution, more care, and a pinch more of elbow grease to get things done. Typically there are delays, interferences, miscommunications (especially for those of us with strong Virgo or Gemini in our charts (Mercury is the ruler of these two signs). It is not a good time to launch or initiate new projects. You will be pushing off, symbolically, just when the tide is going out, and it will be more of a strain to make headway with your plan – better to wait until the current is moving with you.

These are the things to look out for:

1. Signing contracts, (if you must sign, check the details);

2. Making up your mind. (You are likely to change it after the period is over, or further details may come to light that make you realize another choice was better);

3. Sending out marketing or PR materials . (You get little response for your effort, or you may encounter many last minute changes, canceled or missed appointments, or misunderstand or be misunderstood on an important matter.

4. Both soft and hard crashes of computers and hard drives during this time – I had one myself two years ago on the February Mercury retrograde. And now that many of us are spending more time on computers and as our businesses become more computer dependent, Mercury (as the ruler of communications) is affecting computer/technological types of situations. So I'll give an added twist to the usual advice: Back up! – before Mercury sends Murphy to your place.

Mercury Retrograde Periods for This Year: February 4 – 25, June 4 - June 28, October 2 – 23

I also found that it can be a time when one can correct past misfortunes. This is an interesting read on the subject of an Aquarius Mecury retrograde, which we will be entering into:

BTW, the Moon enters Gemini at 3:46 p.m. EST today.

Moon in Gemini The Moon in Gemini brings a time of communication and versatility. People may feel very talkative and curious. This is a time to pursue intellectual interests and to take care of communications both verbal and written. Like the Twins that symbolize Gemini, people may be able to see both sides of a problem, but they may also be fickle and restless, unable to make up their minds. Caution needs to be taken to avoid saying something in haste that will be regretted later.

SAR01 ezOP posts: 1547 (2/2/01 5:59:53 pm) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Kona..I am just checking the board as the people are on the way over about the house...and did you catch what happen to Dan at work today??? I posted the details in the CAFE

Kona2 Registered User posts: 81 (2/4/01 1:06:01 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I read it and responded here and at AL. It’s a bad situation.

Maggie MM World's Bestest News Finder! posts: 84 (2/7/01 1:37:50 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm a Cancer and have had an interest in astrology for a few years now. But, it's been a while since I've had my nose in all the books I have. One thing I would say to watch out for is transitng Pluto conjunct your natal moon. Lets just say, not a good aspect.

Would love to see a new catagory with Kona. I think it would be a real interesting subject.


Kona2 Forum Guide posts: 115 (2/7/01 3:30:46 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maggie, it’s been quite a while for me too, 10+years! I think you were more into it than I was. I read a post of yours in another topic, the astrology article about the earthquakes I think, where you gave a great report of the planetary situation! Sounds like you are still on the ball.

Can you tell us more about that? Natal moon as in our individual moon sign?

I have just about everything there is to know in books. Right now, I’m trying to find online reputable sources for information. There’s a lot of junk out there!

Edited by: Kona2 at: 2/7/01 3:36:33 am

Kona2 Forum Guide posts: 116 (2/7/01 3:34:25 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yarrow, are you a Cancer on the cusp of Gemini or Leo? Do you find you have tendencies towards the one you’re closest to?

Edited by: Kona2 at: 2/8/01 1:54:16 am

Maggie MM World's Bestest News Finder! posts: 85 (2/7/01 6:53:06 pm) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kona, in regards to your question on transiting Pluto conjuct a persons natal moon:

This is from Predictive Astrology by Sakoian & Acker (one of my very favorite books) dealings involving corp. business, other peoples money, goods of the dead, insurance, taxes, and inheritance. Women tend to play an important role in the individual's business or financial affairs.

..home improvement projects

A change of residence or the death of a family member is posible under this transit.* The home may be disrupted by large scale political, economic, cultural, or geological forces, often wars or natural catastrophes, beyond the individuals control.

It goes on to say, it last about 2 years off and on. It indicates fundamental changes of great importance that affect the individual's emotional outlook, as well as financial, family, and domestic conditions.

*Other confirming influences must be present for a family death.

Now to tell you what happened when transiting Pluto was going back and forth over my Moon, let me also say Pluto was 150 my Saturn in the 7th house of marriage and partners and transiting Saturn was, for a shorter period,squaring my Uranus. This is the short version. We had our house up for sale and took it off the market when we found out my husband had cancer, the man next door commited suicide in his garage, Northridge earthquake 6.7 damaged our home, moved to a hotel for a long time when my husband died and within a 4 day period, my ex-husbands wife died of cancer also, while hassleing with insurance adjusters and contractors to get our house fixed. Sold house and moved to another state. I'm fine now after major adjustments. By me telling you what happened to me and others, during this time period, I just wanted to show how it fit in with what the book said.


This is not to say this is going to happen to everyone when Pluto conjuncts their moon, it also has to do with the other transiting planets and if Pluto is also making hard aspects to some of your other natal planets and where they are in your natal chart.

Kona2 Forum Guide posts: 119 (2/7/01 11:45:28 pm) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maggie, I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband and all of the other terrible things you had to deal with at that time in your life. I’m very happy things are going well for you now.

When many devastating things happen to someone in such a short period of time, is something that will always be with them, and some never recover. I’m glad that you were able to move on with your life and get through all of the major adjustments you had to to get to the place you are today.

I understand that many aspects and influences in one’s chart have to be present for so many devastating things to take place in such a short period of time. Sometimes, everything lines up in the worst way and we get through it unscathed, other times we can’t avoid some or all of them. Same thing goes for when everything is suppose to be good, doesn’t always happen that way.

Just because everything is lined up for certain things occur or all of the “cards” say it can happen, doesn’t mean it will. And thank you Maggie for also stressing this point.

Your book had a lot of what happened to you covered. I don’t think I have that book. I’ll keep it in mind when I’m looking to expand my collection. Thank you for sharing the information from it and your own experiences with us. (((Maggie)))

Maggie MM World's Bestest News Finder! posts: 87 (2/8/01 12:36:57 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you Kona for the kind words and hugs. I didn't mean to come across as "look what happened to me" but, to show how a good interpetation of the transitting planets to ones natal planets, was so accurate.

Here is another example of why I believe in astrology:

When transiting Pluto was opposing my natal Uranus in my 6th house of people that work for you, as in service people, My vet, man that cut my grass for 5 years, the waiter at a restraunt I knew well, all died. My chiropractor moved to another state.

I use to be able to retain information better then I can now. I will have to try Ginko to see if that helps.


Kona2 Forum Guide posts: 125 (2/8/01 1:53:44 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, all of that happened in a short amount of time?

I don’t retain information as well now either. I am going to dig out my chart and study it again to see where everything is. I forgot a lot of it already. It’s a full time job keeping track of everything going on.

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-- SAR01 (, March 09, 2001


Author Comment Maggie MM World's Bestest News Finder! posts: 89 (2/8/01 5:49:17 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Kona, when you find your natal chart, see if you have any planets at 20 degrees in Leo or Aq. and 14 or 15 degrees Sag. or Gemini. It might be interesting for you to look them up and see what's going on.

Pluto opposing my Uranus was about 2 years.


Kona2 Forum Guide posts: 134 (2/8/01 1:51:07 pm) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Will do Maggie! I have a whole report that I sent away for. It is so accurate it’s unbelievable! I won’t let anyone read it. It described more about me than my mom, hubby and myself included ever knew or realized!

I’m on my way out right now. I just wanted to pop in here at IC for a few and check for any new recalls to post.

I know you weren’t complaining before. I just think that it’s wonderful that you picked yourself up and moved forward with your life in a positive way. I know it couldn’t have been easy, but you did it!

Maggie MM World's Bestest News Finder! posts: 91 (2/9/01 12:14:23 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Kona, I would love to send away for the report that you have and said was so good. Please give me the informatiion on it. What is included in the report? Does it have your natal chart, furture report on transiting planets and aspects to your natal planets, plus what that will mean to you and a profile about you according to your birth information???? Sounds like good reading.

I am still on the side lines, need to get myself in forward gear more.


Kona2 Forum Guide posts: 142 (2/9/01 1:50:14 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Maggie, I don’t have any planets at or even very close to the degrees you described for the signs you listed. Is that good, I hope???

What I have is called an Astral Portrait from Astral Research, Inc. It is portrait (chart, not in the circle form though) of the sky at the exact time I was born. It lists all of the aspects. I paid about $30 (I think) for it about 10 years ago. It mainly deals with my personality. It’s 41 pages long!

It lists all of the aspects and it describes each aspect of the chart and what it means. It describes my strengths, weaknesses, and potentials in employment, all types of relationships and also discusses the planets in the different houses and what each means, and stuff like that. It’s a very detailed report of me! Good reading for my eyes only!

If I remember correctly, they did offer many different types of reports and forecasts. I’m not even sure if this company is still in business. I’m pretty sure I have the company info in a magazine, but it’s stored in the other room where hubby is sleeping. I’ll look for a link. If they are still in business, they most likely have a website.

I was very happy with what they gave me for my money. I was a little leery about spending that much money on it, but I’m very glad I did. It helped me tremendously at the time. I like to reread it every couple of years to work on my strengths and weaknesses.

Kona2 Forum Guide posts: 147 (2/9/01 3:27:20 am) | Del Re: Astrology Anyone? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- I can’t find anything online. I’ll look through my old magazines tomorrow.

I’m going to start a new "Astrology: Part 2" thread cause this one is getting long and starting to load slow. Check in over there.

-- SAR01 (, March 09, 2001.

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