prayers for a : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
I don't know how appropriate it is to post this here, but I feel I need to do something, and though we run the gamut of religious and spiritual beliefs here, Good Thoughts are Good Thoughts no matter where they originate from.An editor-friend of mine, Jenna Felice, is in a coma with little brain activity showing thus far. She is a truly delightful person, described by many as a real "flame." Seeing the flame possibly go out is very painful to watch, even from afar. The coma, btw, was caused from an asthma attack that went out of control -- she was found by the paramedics, but no one knows how long she had been without oxygen. I do know her first EEG showed little activity, and her eyes are fixed and dilated.
I know there is little hope she will recover at all, but prayers and good thoughts are much appreciated. Jenna is only 25 -- it's sorrowful to see this happening to someone so young.
Thank you all.
-- editrix (, March 09, 2001
I'm sad to say that Jenna passed this afternoon at 4pm.Many will miss her dearly.
-- editrix (, March 10, 2001.
Oh Editrix...I'm so sorry to hear that... Our thoughts are with you and her family and friends... *gentle hug*
-- gobbles (, March 11, 2001.
am so sorry to learn of your loss... thoughts and prayers of strength and comfort be with you all... CatGem
-- CatGem (, March 14, 2001.
Oh God. I can only shake my head and wonder why. You're right 25 is too young. What a terrible loss. I'm so sorry.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 16, 2001.
I'm terribly sorry for you loss edi. I shall remember you and your friend in my prayers
-- Blzrd77 (, March 18, 2001.