Holidays season coming up : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

posts: 403
(11/17/00 9:10:06 pm)

Holidays season coming up

So here is a good tip for preparing for a holiday party:

Party Check List Countdown:

Set time and date for party
Prepare guest list

4-6 Weeks before party:
Decide on a theme
Make or buy the invitations

3 Weeks before:
Send out invitations
Start planning the menu and activities
Contact a caterer if needed
Begin thinking about prizes to be given away

2 Weeks before:
Prepare a shopping list
Begin shopping for non-perishable items

1 Week before:
Make a head count of all guests
Check with party host if any last minute changes

Day before party:
Make sure all food preparations are ready
Assemble the items you will need for the activities
Wrap prizes or gifts you will be awarding
Prepare camera and film

-- Anonymous, March 09, 2001

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