Which is the best MPEG2 Encodergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I was wondering which MPEG-2 encoder has the best quality? I have TMPEG, BBMPEG, and the LSX-MPEG Encoder Plug-in with my Video Factory software. I'm using a bitrate of 8000 to output my video through my Hollywood Plus DVD Decoder board. I have not had time test these encoders yet to compare output quality. Thanks for any help.Jake
-- Jake (jlink84@yahoo.com), March 08, 2001
the #1 encoder was Cinema Craft. Which is very fast if used with an 800mhz computer =A+ 0r a 9tied for #1 But just under it Tmpegnc came in right behind it A- or an 8+
middle of the pack was BBmpeg. It didn't fair very well and only received a 5
-- thepest (jamesthepest@aol.com), March 09, 2001.
As far as realtime MPEG-2 encoders are concerened, for the price and quality you cannot beat the Dazzle DVC2
-- Victor DeLarose (not@vailible.com), March 09, 2001.
How does the quality of MPEG-2 created by Dazzle DVC2 compared to the software encoder? (ignoring speed for now).
-- ktnwin (ktnwin@excite.com), May 24, 2001.