'Long Live the Rodent Revolution' - going digital!!!!...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

From our intrepid rodent reporter today;

Hamsters have been called into action in London to satisfy keen gamblers dismayed by the lack of horse racing in Britain because of the foot-and-mouth crisis. At a small venue in north-west London, hamster dragster racing has proved a hit with online punters.

The Age


On behalf of Bro Possum of the antipodean Rodent Revolution, and as a signal to our hero and fearless leader - Squirrel King, I post the above short newspaper item in evidence that our international 'Rodent' subversion of the dreaded pink man menace is proceeding on schedule.

'Long Live the Rodent Revolution' - the minions are going digital!!!!

Signed ........

Regards from the 'we're legion' Possum Bunker of OZ

-- Pieter (zaadz@icisp.net.au), March 08, 2001

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