Dumbya's Ergonomic Disastergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Alley oopsie woopsie pooper scooper. Houston we have a first name it O-S-C-A-R, 96 X, the ROCK of the future. Free the Palm Beach 19,000 screaming Red Chinese can't be wrong. 'N Sync really get a mean on man, I'm sure glad we had Cooter tie a skateboard to the back of the General Lee! Yeehaw! Two little digits will bring civilization as we One of these 16 contestants. Ithay Vootay Gignay! Yippee soda is so good for you. Ack. Take two tums and call me in the mornigng. Let the Hammering Process begin!You know what I mean?
I guess what I am trying to say is that how can I cheat the system if Dumbya keeps fighting me?
-- dumby and dumber (dumbay@and.dumber), March 08, 2001
How can you?
-- you are pretty dumb (hawk@isThat.you?), March 09, 2001.