superman or batman? : LUSENET : chatterbox: the amplified to rock forum : One Thread

okay, which one would you be, and why? be specific as you can, yo.

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001


well I'd have to say Batman, though I totally would want to be Spiderman given the ultimate option. But as for my Batman choice, Superman is just a freak. He's just an alien showing off his powers that would be normal in his home planet. He doesn't have a goal. He's just bored so he helps out. Batman is a bad ass and he's pissed off. You have to be pissed off to be a cool Superhero. Plus he gets hurt, but he's still out there! FU Superman

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001

Must go with the majority thus far - Batman. He's complex, man. Not like that goodie-two-shoes, Superman. The bat is feared and misunderstood, and I don't think it's an accident that he's Batman instead of, say, Chickadeeman. However, if I could be any super hero I wanted anywhere, I'd be Deadly Girl from The Specials (which is a movie I saw yesterday and can not stop thinking and laughing about). She can summon demons, and how cool is that?

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001

foooooools! only an english major would choose the complex and flawed nature of batman over superman. superman can do everything batman can do better, faster, and most of all, cheaper. batman needs a multimillion dollar budget. plays with toys all the time. he gets no sleep. eats like a bird. is constantly suffering. a martyr, if you will. superman doesn't even need sleep! he's from a foreign planet protect us poor earthly fools because if we were left to ourselves we'd tesla-death-ray the planet into another dimension. his power is limitless! and it's not to say he doesn't have the potential to be a martyr, since he died and went all multi- personality and whatnot. i have to admit i'm playing devil's advocate here. but by all statistics of power and achievement and influence superman is a far greater superhero. the next level of evolution, some would say...

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001

Batman, all the way. I beg people to justify why they'd EVER rather be Superman. I totally agree that Superman would just be normal if he were on his planet, and yeah he's got some nifty powers i guess, but he's allergic to kryptonite. Also, if you ask me, Clark Kent is a total dork, he's a news reporter for the Daily Planet. Now Bruce on the other hand owns his own company, Wayne Enterprises, and he's a playboy stud. All that guy ever does is go to parties and fundraisers. Not to mention that he has badass toys and gadgets and he could kick Superman's ass any day of the week. So, yes, I agree, I would much rather be Batman.

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001

The one and only answer is BATMAN. Superman is a gigantic crybaby sack of crap. Superman doesn't get to have any feelings towards anything, never feels pain, what the hell fun is that? I'm sorry but it makes you feel like you are alive to be inconvenienced and in pain every so often. Not to mention that but Batman is a bloody genius. He doesn't have to only rely on the size of his muscles to get stuff accomplished, he would just as soon out smart and humiliate you than try to fight with you. That rocks! In conclusion, Superman sucks.

Goodnight and Merry Christmas.

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001

This is a tough one. See...I prefer Batman over Superman, but in the "which would you be" question, I'd have to go with Supes. Merely on the basis that he could crush Batman's skull with a slight squeeze of the hand. And chicks dig muscles.

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001

Superman's a fucking square. DC Comics are kinda played these days... i'd rather choose from a pool of Marvel hero's, with Spider-Man, being the obvious ultimate choice. --


-- Anonymous, March 08, 2001

Superman. Totally. Without question. Batman is just a normal guy who puts on a costume and runs around and fights crime. Sure, he's pissed off and all complex and dark and whatever. But think about this: if you were Superman, you could always change your look and get a cooler suit, quit your geeky job, and have Lois Lane get executed by Lex Luthor or whatever, thereby making you really pissed off and complex and dark. But if you're Batman, you're screwed. You could become a little bit cooler or whatever, but there's no chance in hell that you'd ever get Superman's powers. Everything uncool about Superman could be changed. Just because Superman has always acted like a dork in the past doesn't mean he is forever doomed to that fate.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2001

Being Superman would be troubling. Bruce Wayne could retire one day; pass-on his cowl so to speak and therefore his heroic burden. Clark Kent will be Superman as long as he's on Earth or anywhere in the solar system. He can't retire from being who he is or pass his powers on (ah, his power is Not unlimited!). Could he ever retire and sit idly while the world continues in turmoil? He may live forever, which could get quite lonely.

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2001

Look, Superman is slumming. Why is he on Earth? I know, he crashed here as a kid, but he could go somewhere else; he can fly, he doesn't need to breathe, etc. Why is he here? 'cause we've got a yellow sun, that's why. Under a red star he'd be as weak as you or me. Down here he's all impressive and shit. The guy's feeding his ego, but he didn't earn it, it's just luck. And he hasn't even done that much with it! Peter Parker's a better journalist than Clark Kent.

Now Batman... Batman had to work for what he's got. Orphan, self-made man, all that. He's a great industrialist; Bruce Wayne could do more good for Gotham, without even wearing a bat suit, than Supes could for Metropolis. Has Clark started any charitable foundations? Has Clark adopted any orphans? Nooooo. Clark just gets weird about Lois, who really isn't worth the effort.

I think the choice is clear.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2001

You see, for me it is all about Marvel Comics being way cooler than DC so I would have to choose neither. You know who I really love? The Hulk. So misunderstood....

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001

the fact that superman is a shitty character brings my answer all the way to batman. Think about it, what fun is a character without faults? batman has a purpose, he has weaknesses, and it's not like he's invincible. so it is Batman all the way for me, and if you choose different, YOU SUCK LIKE SUPERMAN. To the batcave!

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2001

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