Glidecam or Steadicam? : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I teach film studies to teenagers between 14-18. Obviously I need a little more durable unit, yet, also easy to use. I have been trying to get more of a comparision between Glidecam and Steadicam, but to no avail. Please if someone knows of the issue at hand please help me out. Cheers nick!

-- nick smith (, March 07, 2001


hey there, i am a aspiring filmaker myself...i am 15...i have made many short films and they have turned out very well...i just finished my advanced videography course at my high school and i have learned a lot about what kind of equiptment to buy by watching the other videography students..if you need something should go with the glide cam...the glidecam is basically a metal pole with a special handle on it that allows the counter weights on the bottom to balance out the, there is nothing fragile to break...on the other hand...the steadicam has an external monitor (which is always nice) and has more fragile parts than the gimbal handle, monitor, battery compartment...rca wire.. so if durability is what you want..go with the glide cam...they both work the same....i hope that helped...good luck!

-- ryan fontana (, May 20, 2001.

I would recommend the Glidecam 2000/4000 over the Steadicam JR. Glidecam supports more weight for slightly lower cost. Both take some time to balance. It can be rather frustrating. Another option is the Hollywood Ultra-lite. A very durable product the is comparable to the steadicam JR. Whatever you go for, also look at its available accessories. Glidecam has a BodyPod that is essential for use.

-- Dan (, July 08, 2004.

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