B&W processing

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

Dear Friends, I was looking for the B&W developing equipment for my 4x5 negs. till someone told me to get the JOBO CPA-2 with its expert drum. The question is that can i buy Expert Drum only and still process my 4x5 B&W negs manually?


-- Sajjad (afaq_2001@yahoo.com), March 07, 2001



the answer to your question is YES. I also think that you need to be careful if you are considering a jobo system. those expert tanks do not work on a CPA if I remember correctly. I think you need at least a CPP to use them. Check the JOBO site. Kevin

-- kevin kolosky (kjkolosky@kjkolosky.com), March 07, 2001.

Kevin, you have remembered incorrectly. It is the CPE processor that the expert drum will not work on, it will work with the CPA and CPP and the various autolabs.

-- Jeff White (jeff@jeffsphotos.com), March 09, 2001.

Yes, I use the Jobo 2521 and the 4x5 reel (see also "the Developping cookbook" by Anchell and Troop p.33) You can use the CPA too. You have to make some minor adjustements that everybody can do. If you are interested contact me. But I would start with buying the drum. The temperature control is usefull but I am not entirely convinced that rotary processing is the end of the world.



-- Andreas Frijdal (frijdal@tin.it), March 10, 2001.

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