Cat wont use Little box, ( all the time) : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Hi My nutered male will not use the cat box to urinate, I have to keep a shower curtin under the box, and a old towel, he will go right next to the box, on all 4 sides, he has a large top less box, we just got him a few months ago, and now I know why they got rid of him, but we like him, and want to get over this problem, he is about 3yrs old, we also have a 6 mo old Maine Coon ( he is a bengal) and " Turbo" has his own box, can anyone help.???

also is there anyone out there I can send a photo of our Maine Coon t0.........? we were told he was a maine coon cat, but want some one to tell us that knows what they look like, I was told this by a lady at the vet's office, where I was given him. Thank you

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001


Try each thing for a week before you try the next thing. First, make sure the box is very clean (wash it out once a week) and scoop out any stuff two or three times a day. Next, try different types of litter to see if there is a type he likes best (start with unscented plain clay, then try a clumping, unscented). Third, try a larger box (Maine Coons are big boys) with a lid but leave the lid off for a week. Fourth, try a different place for the box with more privacy and/or putting the lid on the box.

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001

Forgot one very important thing, have him checked for a urinary infection by your vet first.

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2001

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