Laughed myself silly over this one... : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Warning! If you follow the link to Lilek's Institute of Cheer during working hours, you will have to supress the urge to vent loud guffaws and you might hurt yourself.

-- Little Nipper (, March 06, 2001


This stuff pre dates McDonald's, Pizza Hut, pita bread sandwiches, lo fat cooking. I miss the Jello with all the fruit floating around in it. Ma used to make Jello for all the ladies club parties. I also miss Spam dishes, my pa had this Spam and fried potato dish he'd make us kids when he ended up cooking dinner. He fried the Spam and potatoes in butter, he said he learned to make that in the Army and that it was better than regular chow. I'm too scared to buy any Spam. I might eat just one bite and have to throw out the whole can.

-- (Weeble@wee.ble), March 06, 2001.

ROFLMAO-My face is hurting so badly from reading the food section I can't stand it!! Thanks Little Nipper, for the laughs-GOOD one~!!

-- Aunt Bee (, March 06, 2001.

Well I've just wasted an enjoyable hour roaming around in there, thanks.

-- Uncle Deedah (, March 06, 2001.

Well I've just wasted an enjoyable hour roaming around in there, thanks.

Um, yep, a double thanks one from me too.

PS that site was slllllooooowwwww as aint.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 06, 2001.

Ah yes, the Gobbler--somewhere between Madison and Milwaukee on the south side of I 94. We spent our 1979 anniversary there. Best enjoyed in double-knit bell-bottoms.

Did I say we are divorced?

-- Lars (, March 06, 2001.

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