Dazzle Video creator

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I just got a Dazzle Video Creator. Everything works fine on the pc and I am able to watch the movie from my Dvd player to the pc and watch the Vhs to the pc with Moviestar. The big question is what do I have to do to burn a Vcd and to make it playable to a Sony Dvd player since my sony does view Vcd's from malaysia. I want to be able to burn Vhs tapes and Dvd's to Vcd's? Is there software other then moviestar I should know about? I wonder if I am doing it plain wrong. The book that it came with doesn't tell much. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks to all on this forum Mitch

-- mitch (neb@prodigy.net), March 06, 2001


You have a lot to digest but a good place to start is to find out if your Sony will play CD-R/RW media. How to do that is what this forum, and a lot of related forums and websites are for: vcdhelper.com, etc.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), March 07, 2001.

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