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Beth mentioned her dog-walking Docs and that reminded me of something that is bugging me.I bought a pair of Docs a couple or three years ago and loved them. Not boots (which may have been my mistake) but big, heavy, clunky, ugly Docs.
Something happened. They stretched. Now I can't wear them without big bulky socks -- two pair. Is this common? Was I supposed to buy them tight knowing they would stretch? Did they stretch because they got wet a few times, when I was walking through puddles? I don't mean stepping up to my ankles in puddles, but you know, rainy day, puddles, a bit of splashing.
Also, is there a way to shrink them? Because the thick layers of socks actually get uncomfortable, even though the shoes slip and slide without them. I haven't worn them in months.
-- Anonymous, March 06, 2001
You know, I ruined a pair of Docs once when my car broke down and I had to walk for three hours in pouring rain. They stretched out and had to be thrown away. So I bet it was the water.I don't know if they can be fixed. I do seal my Docs now with snow seal now, though.
Maybe someone has some better advice.
-- Anonymous, March 06, 2001
I don't know of any way to un-stretch leather shoes, but there are things you can do to make too-big shoes more comfortable.You can get heel grips at any shoe-repair store--they're pads which you stick inside the heel of your shoe and keep your foot from slipping up and down while you walk. Also, those fluffy insoles you can get at the drugstore will make your shoes fit much more snugly. I have small feet and often buy shoes that are half a size or a size too big for me, and these things help make them more comfortable, and they only cost a few dollars.
-- Anonymous, March 06, 2001
Well, there ya go. And I felt so impervious when I stamped through the water that day. I was looking at all those people in their wimp shoes, thinking, "This is why I wear manly shoes -- so they can take the abuse! Harrumph."Yeah, yeah, whatever.
-- Anonymous, March 06, 2001
Just wanted to add that Docs with a hard leather (usually shiny) instead of a soft (greased) leather are less prone to the stretching problem. I've had greased leather shoes stretch a lot, but my shiny boots have been soaked in rain and snow and haven't loosened a bit.
-- Anonymous, March 08, 2001
I have the opposite problem. Beautiful pair of greased-leather Docs, and they're just the tiniest bit too small. I had them stretched *twice* by the shoe store but they're still not quite right. I don't know what I was thinking when I bought them (in London, in 1991). Or maybe my feet are bigger now for some weird reason.Perhaps I should go splash through a lot of puddles in them. Hmmm.
-- Anonymous, March 08, 2001
Joy --Yep, these are the soft leather ones, and I put them on with socks yesterday and they just aren't comfortable any more. Part of this may be because my foot seems to have grown. Again. When I went to the shoe store the day before our trip to England (yes, I'm one of those silly people that buys new shoes to wear on a trip where I will be walking a lot without having time to break them in first -- but honest, these were Eccos, and they ended up working great, not a twinge of discomfort, plus I also took and wore my white New Balance, even though that is the epitome of American un-cool in Europe, but believe it or not, one night in a restaurant I saw an overweight mom (I mention her weight only because it is part of the stereotypical American persona in Europe, I've been told) in a sweatshirt and jeans, wearing white leather running shoes. This was in London, and I smirked to myself, "American," but she opened her mouth to urge her kids to eat all their french fries, and she was British, so go figure, and so much for stereotypes, and I've forgotten what I was saying, oh yeah --) and when the guy measured my foot, it was a half size longer than last time I was measured, so maybe this is why all the shoes I've bought in the past two years were never comfortable. Ya think?
Anyway, I put the shoes on and wore them yesterday, and ended up deciding there was no way to "save" them, even with insoles and such, they just aren't comfortable, and next time I'll know to either get shiny leather, or boots, so I can tighten them on my ankles, which takes care of all sorts of problems. Oh, and get the right size.
Jette --
See above. Have you had your feet measured lately? My feet have grown 2 sizes since I was 17, and I've been told it's not unusual for people's shoe size/shape to change, even as adults.
And also, splash through some puddles. Ya never know.
-- Anonymous, March 09, 2001