mpeg how do i play them on my cd player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i can convert avi to mpeg and i can burn them to cd is there aplayer or browser out there that will let me give these out to my freinds and it will play automaticaly pleas keep it simple i am a comleate novice

thanks in advance

-- phil andrews (, March 06, 2001


convert them to WAV, then burn them to Audio CD

-- Victor DeLarose (, March 07, 2001.

Wave to Cd? I thought Phil was talking about a video? An AVI to Mpeg is video.

Anyway on to basics. You have this Mpeg you want to do something with! You can leave it as an Mpeg. But this can only be shared by a computer, using any of the windows Media Players. (That's as simple as it gets.)

Now if you want to play it on a DVD that's another story. It can become a VCD (Video Compact Disc.) Most DVDs support this. The $100. level ones usually won't. The face plate or owners manual will tell you this. They need to be converted to an Mpeg1 VCD1.1 or 2.0 (white book) compliant video stream. You also need a VCD file with the correct drivers to make it run in a DVD player.

However, If you have the right Mpeg1 video stream. The APEX 660 is the ONLY DVD player I have found that can play just a Raw Mpeg1 file without making it a VCD. This has been proving!!!

-- thepest (, March 12, 2001.

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