Football photography : specifications : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
I am a wannabee digital photographer, and at this stage I am lost in the jungle of too many choices. If I plan on taking football photos, am I correct with the following specifications, which I am proud to say, I have researched myself.Lens : At least 300mm (35mm) to catch action on the other side of the field ? Shutter : At least 1/1000 ? Pixels : At least 2.7 M pixels ? Auto focus : Nice to have ? Continuous shots : At least 2 per sec ? ASA rating : Up to 300 min. ? Is there anything else I must have to get off to an acceptable start ? I have a computer and HP 860 C printer.
I know this specs are low, but is it enough to start off with, and to work my way up to the G1/D30's ? Sorry about all the questions, I hope you do not feel raped ! Thanks, in advance to anybody who may answer. Willie van Zyl
-- Willie van Zyl (, March 06, 2001
I am also a novice sports photographer. So far I have only been taking pictures of my local pop warner action. I have gotten great results with my Canon AE1 with 400mm lens with a doubler lens attached. I believe the doubler makes it a 800mm lens. Last year I did not have a tripod but this year I will. You definitely need the tripod because the slightest movement when you are zoomed in will result in a VERY blurry picture. I get the pictures developed and then I blow up the pictures with the color copier at my job to 11x17. Mind you, the color copier at my job is a very high end copier and I work on the midnight shift so I can get this stuff done with no problem. I am not what you would call professional, only because I have never taken any photography courses per se, however the more pictures you take the more you will hone your skill. My pictures are expert quality and I know nothing about ASA and f. stop and all that stuff. I'll send you an example. good luck.
-- Anthony V. Paccione (, August 12, 2001.
Hey, I have a 10d, great tripod and a 70-210mm/f4, I dont know if i should use the tripod because it might be to slow for my school football team. what dISO should i use, the 10d goes to 1600, and over hauls to 3200, with a lot of noise at 1600... I had a hard time getin clear pics at the mlb games so....
-- Corey Black (, August 24, 2003.