adding more VCD files to a CD-RW with VCD files already existing with Nero : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I need to add more VCD files to a CD-RW with VCD files already existing on the CD-RW. On Nero it says please insert a blank disk. Is there any way to add more to a CD-RW without deleting what is already on it?

-- Brady Anderson (, March 06, 2001


nope!! Why don't you burn the entire mpeg(s) you have? You are using CDRW anyway.

-- xms (, March 06, 2001.

I simply erase the CD-RW disk, then burn the old MPEGs as well as the new MPEG on the same CD-RW again. The trick is to keep the old MPEGs around and not deleting them.

-- ktnwin (, March 06, 2001.

A practical use for DirectCD is to archive your MPG source files on CDr. Can't accidently erase them either.

-- me (, March 08, 2001.

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