How do i turn a asf video i downloaded into a VCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi, recently i downloaded a couple segments of the show Seinfeld. They were in asf format. Now, I don't know anything about converting files or anything else to that extint, so you will have to be specific. I downloaded the program TMPGENC, but when i hit the load button(the one right of the setting button), the video streaming formats came up. Anyway, i procedded with the conversion. I did the first minute extremely fast, but then it took about twenty minutes to do the next three seconds. It wasn't a glitch either becuase i cleared the conversion and it did the exact same thing again. THe way i understand it right now is that i have to change the file to an MPEG-1format(which i am having trouble with), then i have to change the MPEG-1 file to VCD format. Then i write the CD using a CDRW drive. Then i should be done. Please write back and go into detail about the operation. By the way, this is a school project i am working on. Thanks!!!
-- Ryan Manske (, March 05, 2001
you need a screen capturning utility like Camtasia to recored your movie to avi as your playing it then convert your asf audio to wav if you cant a utility for that then you might have to convert your asf audio to rm and the use streambox ripper version 2.009 or lower to convert it to wav then use virtualdub to make sure it is in sync. if it is then you can convert it using XingMPEG Encoder dont use TMPGENC the quality may be a little better but i dont think so and TMPGENC takes hours for a 20 minute cartoon while XingMPEG Encoder will take about 30-45 min
-- acg (, March 21, 2001.