.VCD Extension ???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

What program will play a file with a .VCD extension ???

-- Mike (mike-asco@usa.net), March 05, 2001


How about you fuck off, you American bastard?

-- Ali Baba (1@umpire.com), May 13, 2001.

.vcd two answers 1- Programs called virsual CD 2- it's Movie File

-- Eyad Taha - Palestine (Eyad@masrawy.com), January 22, 2003.

Ali Baba! Why wouldn't you use your own language to express yourself. English is for people who don't want to understand you.

-- Igor (alibaba@gotoschool.please), February 13, 2003.

I have also a file with .VCD extension , and its not a moviefile its WINXP Home Ed. is it somekind off packed file ? //Bone ...

-- Bonehead (perrin_11@hotmail.com), June 02, 2003.

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