What is guar gum?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Guar Gum is a natural fiber (powder)used in salad dressings, frozen juice bars and drinks to thicken and add body to the liquid, when it is added to frozen items it helps prevent large ice cristals from forming. The scientific name for it is Cyamopsis tetragonolobus, I buy mine at the health foods store, a 1lb. bottle cost around $13 and last many years [My current bottle is almost 1/2 gone and I bought it in 1995 and the brand one this one is Source Naturals]

Some other types of vegetable gums are xanthan[6zo bottle/$9.00 and 2/3rds gone bought in the early 90's] same uses different taste and texture when wet, it's not as stiff. also carrageenan has simular uses with a different taste and stiffness.

Some other uses are to subsitute for eggs or oil in baking and to use as thickening agents in soups, sauses etc.

If there is interest I will post some exchanges here later, but I have to go for now , we have 2 new Blue Heeler puppies, and Lunatic should be calling in soon. bye for now.

-- Thumper (slrldr@aol.com), March 04, 2001


what is it made from ?

-- Larry in OK (Nuts4bees@aol.com), March 11, 2001.

Guar gum is ground from the seeds of the perennial herb Cyamopsis tetragonolubus (a legume) 1st found in Africa.

Xanthan gum is from a benefical bacteria, Xanthomonas campestris, which is fed on corn sugar.

Carrageenan is from Irish Moss seaweed, Chondras crispus.

Agar is also from seaweed, Gelidium and Gracilaria.

I think I spelled every thing right.

-- Thumper (slrldr@aol.com), March 11, 2001.

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