CBS News thinks we are all a bunch of morons : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

The Fox News Channel’s Brit Hume picked up on CBS’s avoidance of its own poll as reported in Thursday’s CyberAlert. On the March 1 Special Report with Brit Hume, during the "Grapevine" segment, Hume informed FNC viewers:

"Remember that CBS News poll we mentioned here last time, the one that said that 88 percent of those who had heard President Bush’s Tuesday night speech approved of his proposals? That same poll also found that 67 percent of the public, whether they watched the speech or not, favored the President’s tax cut plan. That poll, according to the Media Research Center, went unmentioned on Wednesday night’s edition of the CBS Evening News with Dan Rather. CBS did air a report from its White House correspondent featuring an interview with a woman who said the Bush tax cut is too big."

For those who skipped item #2 above, check it for details on how the CBS Evening News on Thursday night again ignored its own network’s poll and chose instead to highlight how a competitor’s survey found "voters leaning slightly in favor" of the Democratic tax cut plan.

-- Uncle Bob (, March 04, 2001


Nope, we are not "all" a bunch of morons. Just those who voted for Dumbya and his greedy tax cut.

-- (dumbya @ destroying. our future), March 04, 2001.

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