My AVI of VCD wont play! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

So, I downloaded a VCD in AVI format. When I go to play it, I can hear it, but not see it. The clock is going along, and I can skip forward or backward. I've tried Windows Media player, quicktime, mpgplayer, vcdcutter, cinematograph. get the same thing everytime. please advise...

-- felix bond (, March 03, 2001


If that is AVI that is not VCD. Anyway something is not correct with your sound set-up. Do other AVIs play fine on your PC, sound and all??

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, March 04, 2001.

It's having the same extention .avi, but it actually is in the new format call DivX. Try to down load the driver for it and it'll work. Here is the site.

-- (, March 07, 2001.

u need the DiVX codec patch... download from here now u can her and see the movie

-- alex (, May 05, 2001.


-- joao (, November 22, 2001.

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