NatDis - Hey, Brooks: You DID say you wanted a flurry or two of snow, didn't you? (Snort!) : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


Major storm expected to sweep into Northeast

March 3, 2001 Web posted at: 10:41 a.m. EST (1541 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The National Weather Service is warning that a major winter storm may descend on the south-Atlantic states and move up through the Northeast Sunday and Monday.

The Middle Atlantic states and Northeast could face blizzard conditions by Tuesday, the weather service said.

The storm is predicted to hit Georgia and the Carolinas Sunday afternoon and spread northeast during the evening into Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.

Look for heavy rains and possibly severe storms from Georgia through New York over the next few days.

The weather service said there is a significant potential for coastal flooding from the mid-Atlantic into the Northeast.

A number of National Weather Service field offices -- from southern Virginia to eastern New York -- have issued winter weather outlooks, used to alert the public about potential significant winter weather conditions beyond 36 hours.

Boaters are urged to pay attention to this developing storm system over the weekend. High winds and waves will exist and persist as the storm develops Sunday evening.

Once it develops, the storm may move only slightly Monday into Tuesday and hover just off the mid-Atlantic coast.

Following the storm, temperatures will drop, raising the possibility of blizzard conditions in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001


I live in central NJ, just about 35 miles due East of Philadelphia. As of this evening the accu-weather forecast from Philly (which is one of the best I have ever seen) is estimating snow of 12"-20" starting on Sunday afternoon, and continuing into Monday night. Sounds like a biggy to me. We get them like this every 10 years or so. We have filled the gas in the vehicles, put in fresh basics of food, have firewood ready to use, that sort of thing. By Monday we'll know what's up. Thankfully we don't have to try to go anywhere.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001

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