What to do? choices too may choices!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Sony PD100A PD150 Canon GL1 Canon XL1

I am a digital artist of sorts and have all ways helped edit DV for friends i love to shoot but i own no camera i want a good camera to be able to take with me shoot the ideas i have and express Creative freedome i just dont know what to do price vs performance

i live in NYC and well if i was to own a camera it wouldent leave me hands... can some one please help me fiind what is right for me?

i would do all editing on my computer i look to make my own shorts and just get into the whole journalist world..

-- ddr (scott@gfxartist.com), March 03, 2001


They are all good cameras. I personally prefer the Canon GL 1. It is small, but the lens is very good, and the wide angle adaptor Canon makes for about $100 is terrific.

I highly recommend adding a beachtek XLR adaptor to the base of the camera and a Senheisser MK 64 mic for professional audio.

-- Dirck Halstead (dirck.halstead@pressroom.com), March 05, 2001.

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