EZ Board down again

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

So much for faster and better

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001



I noticed. :(

I could still get to currents.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001

But you can get to ezboards home page.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001

Does anyone know how long and the whys and wherefores of this latest outage?

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001

I checked several other ezboards I go to and there are some still up, but TB2k, currents, IC, Abundant living are all down. Our Country Home was up though (probably different server).

It was running great this morning and went down about mid-morning.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001

Just got online and read ezboard's e-mail explanation of why they had problems and how they solved them (BWAHA, etc.) And then find I can't get to the board. Pah! Here's the mail:

ezboard administrators,

As you may be aware, we have recently been having network difficulties. This email is to let you know exactly what happened, how we discovered it, and what we are doing to minimize the possibility of any future disruption.

What Happened?

Our ISP (eManage) provides our cage and bandwidth. They recently went through a corporate reorganization, and were subsequently acquired by a much larger parent company (Acropolis). However, the transition was not as smooth as we had all hoped. During this time, we were also moving and upgrading all of our old servers to faster and more reliable machines. All these separate issues led to a situation where we were using a lot more bandwidth, and this in turn led to firewalls being overloaded and network failures.

Discovering The Problem...

Since Acropolis employees were not completely familiar with the existing network, it took more time and effort on everyone's part to identify the problem. After many days and nights of testing, we found the problem and replaced the hardware. Today was the first day after our upgrade and, ezboard is running very smoothly, even during peak times. In fact, we are running more smoothly than ever before.

The Future...

We are meeting with our new ISP team this coming Monday to make plans to ensure our ongoing network reliability. We will be purchasing newer and more powerful hardware as well as bringing in other network feeds to serve as a backup. We have traditionally had over 99% uptime, and even with our recent problems, we still maintain this high level of service. We are absolutely committed to making ezboard the most reliable and powerful community platform on the planet.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during these last couple of weeks and we know you will be happy with the steps we have taken for the future.

Regards, the ezboard team

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001

Is anyone else's patience wearing thin? :o) Blessings David

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001

Down again.........

OG, if you see this, ask SAR about "Pamster's" board.

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2001

Yes, David. . .mine's about done wore slick! I just went to the 'real' Currents to post another couple of stories in your forum, and got the dreaded "Web Site Not Responding" message. ARGGGH!

This is on top of multiple infuriating things I've been dealing with today; I had decided to 'calm down' some [LOL] and post some more stories I thought everyone would enjoy. I'll check back to see if it's operable a little later.

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2001

Sorry, Meemur, thought I'd go back to the support forum and get Pamster's forum's address but the damn link is gone from the front page and I didn't bookmark it. I'm going to have to get offline soon as Sweetie is messing about with computer entrails so may not be back tonight.

-- Anonymous, March 05, 2001

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