Falling Leaves

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Something Dad wrote last year.


The leaves are falling, they will not wait.
My grandfather heard the calling and left us in '28.
Then my wife's stepfather, Jack O'shea in '39.
Then they settled down until after World War Two
and the loss to my wife and I in '48
were twin boys, they were born two months too soon.
My father Carl departed in '51, my oldest sister in '57.
I lost my mother in '65 and lost a brother in '67.
My wife's grandmother then her mother passed away.
Then her stepfather Ed, did too.
Two nephews and a niece passed that way
Donald, Carl and Stella Mae.
Our daughter Cherri Lynn lost some too.
Jeremy Scott and Timothy Alan.
And yes, Dorothy's family lost more too,
Her cousins Frank, Al and her Aunt Adel,
lets not forget her uncles Ralph, Walter and Les,
Uncle Berk and Aunt Ellen within weeks of each other.
Also her grandfather passed away years before, and yes

in 1996, three more heard the call,
A nephew Timothy, our son Michael Jay and my sister Gen.
My wife Dorothy in 1999, just short of our fifty second
Anniversary, followed those who went before.
I'm hanging on for all I'm worth, I planned on seeing the new millennium's birth.

NOTE He did get to see the the year 2000 and left in Oct 2000 weeks before his 80th birthday, Cherri

-- Guy H. Stewart (jessam5@home.com), March 03, 2001


Thanks Cherri. What's the old saying about not being the last to go?

Did you lose two sons? Nothing tougher.

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), March 03, 2001.

Who cares what happens in the life of a n-lover?

This means there's fewer retarded lil pickininnys on the face of the earth.

-- (yck@choke .spit), March 03, 2001.

I'm sure already done happened will come here and criticize the spelling and grammar, after all we can expect to see him every day from now on.

-- It is Happening (what@a.dweeb), March 03, 2001.

-- (yck@choke .spit, one day you WILL answer for all the horrible hurtful things you say (we all will). Now is a good time to apologize before it's too late.

-- (cin@cin.cin), March 03, 2001.

I thought the poem was beautiful, and I'm not really into poetry. In addition, I saw no spelling or grammar problems, so I see no reason for whoever it is to come and criticize. I've lived a LONG time, and I haven't seen ANYONE IRL lose so many as Cherri's family.

I lack the ability to address Yck's comments, but I'll give it the old college try. Yck: When, exactly, did people have a decision on the form in which they'd be born? Did YOU have input as to whether you'd be born a male or female? Did YOU have input as to whether you'd be born black, white, Asian, or anything else? I sure as hell didn't. I don't know anyone else who did either. We are who we are and we are judged by our deeds, not our form. That YOU think less of someone else's form says more about YOU than it does about them. SOME people can appreciate the diversity of others. The only thing that kept you from being black was the roll of the genetic dice.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), March 03, 2001.


The only thing that kept you from being black was the roll of the genetic dice.

Actually, that isn't true. It was a very few genes. A few more changes and he would be a chimp.


It is the story of "everyman". Nice that you have it written down.

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), March 03, 2001.

I think your wrong about somethings yck, and right about others. I think the reason so many people in her family have died is because they are a bunch of fat, lazy illiterate slobs. Obesity and stupidity will get you every time.

-- (.@nother.man's opinion), March 03, 2001.

wow I didn't realize there were so many racists here ick

-- (cin@cin.cin), March 03, 2001.

I've lost members of my family also and I know how it feels and that poem hits right at the heart. If I had my way I'd take those 2 anonymous loose cannons out to the pigshed and tie em up. And let em suffer real slow. Works every time! If you 2 jerkoffs want to have it out with me just use my email address and we can get on with the show. You need to be taught some manners and I'm just the one that can get that job done!

-- Boswell (cjseed@webtv.net), March 03, 2001.

Boz you ain't nothing but bag of foul air. All you got is your arthritis-crippled fingers to fight with and most of the time you're busy jerking yourself off with them . Get off the Internet you old fool.

-- (.@nother man's .opinion), March 03, 2001.

Heartfelt stuff. Thanks for the reminder.

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), March 03, 2001.

Well I'll tell you what, Another man's opinion, you just come out of hiding and see how much you think I suffer from arthritis. I've worked hard all my life and I'm definitely in better shape than when I was 18. If you want to try me out just send an email to cjseed@webtv.net and you'll get all the information you want to meet me. You might think I'm full of bullshit but when it comes to a good old rastlin match with some blood and snot thrown in, your talking to the right boy. Have at her. It's your turn!

-- Boswell (cjseed@webtv.net), March 04, 2001.

Cherri, that was beautiful.

When my gramma died, I found her old sewing box, inside a note in her handwriting simply said "I'll be leaving here soon, for a better place". She had just lost my gramps not even six months prior.

Within a three year time frame, I lost basically ALL my family members, mom and dad. Sad time indeed. Thanks for the sharing of such beauty, indeed it is a rare find.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 04, 2001.

anothermansopinion, now that you've sent me an email and proved that fish with gray pupils can be snagged, why don't you call me and set up a time and date. I sent you my home phone number. If you're using an email address that's as phony as you are get with the program and show me you actually are a man. I don't spend much time with whiny little fuckers like you!

-- Boswell (cjseed@webtv.net), March 05, 2001.

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