Is this going to be our new home? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

I got lonesome over at the other forum.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2001


LOL, David! We're a bit different from the Timebombers because (just my opinion) we have more varied lives. We do like the camaraderie provided by the little community we have but we also have other things we like and/or have to do. Weekends are often very quiet at Currents. Even I have a part-time job--I report from the scanner to a local TV station and a newspaper.

Perhaps those who don't mind will post a little about themselves.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2001

I am now working and have very limited time on line.

We just bought a dryer, to be delivered Monday. YAY!!!!!

Have to work tonight....but I am off tomorrow, and we have to get the old dryer out and clean the space before the new one shows up.

it's a Kenmore, large capacity to match the washer. similar color, too.

I sure hope it fits!

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2001

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