Distort Duyba

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Distort Duyba

Be sure to move your cursor over the picture for the fun.

-- (humor@joke.gag), March 02, 2001


Or if you have trouble following this link, just read one of Cherri's articles about Dubya (to see him distorted) ;-)

-- Dr. Pibb (dr.pibb@zdnetonebox.com), March 02, 2001.



-- (DUMBYA SURE @ IS. DUMB), March 02, 2001.

If you put your cursor right at the top, then slowly move it straight down, you'll see:

GWB as a televangelist,

GWB as an intellectual,

GWB as Walter Matthau,

GWB as Stanley Laurel.

No foolin' this was great! (We're kinda easily entertained, down here on the bayou)


-- Lon Frank (lgal@exp.net), March 02, 2001.

Lower right hand corner, about 1/4" in from the edge of white area...

The Jay Leno Dumbya!

-- (tee@hee.hee), March 03, 2001.

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