Pol - Enquirer (so it must be true!): Clinton and Denise Rich love affair

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


EXPOSED! Their Romantic White House Nights

The ENQUIRER has uncovered a telling secret behind Bill Clinton's controversial pardon of Denise Rich's fugitive ex-husband Marc -- she was having an affair with Clinton in the White House!

The issue that hits stands Friday reveals that New York socialite and Democratic contributor Denise was a frequent visitor to the White House as a guest of the President -- even while Hillary was away.

Find out what Bill and Denise did in the secrecy of the White House, what Hillary thought about the affair -- and why Denise was so desperate to see her ex-husband pardoned.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001


Oh damn, if they could prove that, I'd take out a lifetime subscription to that publication.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2001


-- Anonymous, March 02, 2001

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