Humor: Sports Joke : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

There once was a small boy whose father was a baseball umpire. One day the father took his son to watch Daddy at work. Sitting in the stands, the child was appalled. The father made outrageously bad calls, was abusive when any of his decisions were questioned, and threw people out of the game for no good reason.

After the game, the father sat down by his son and asked if the child had liked what he had seen. The honest lad had to say no. The father said 'Well, sit on my lap, and I'll tell you why I made those calls.' But the child would not, BECAUSE (drumroll) the son never sits on the Brutish Umpire.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001



Verrry British there Peter :)

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

Wel, Carl, I figured OG would consider my joke a knee-slapper even if nobody else did.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2001

I thought it was funny Peter! Just, well, British... :)

Sure Old Git appreciated it too...

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2001

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