(Admin) Latest From Vanchau -- 3/1/01

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


ezboard, Inc. CEO

posts: 51

(2/28/01 4:33:32 pm)

Recent ISP problems

[Meemurnote: See EDIT at Bottom]


For the last couple of weeks, we have been having major problems with our ISP. We are extremely disappointed with their level of service and we know its causing major problems for our users.

However, switching ISPs is very difficult, costly and time consuming. We have been working closely with them to resolve these issues.

Tonight, they are going to replace their routers and tomorrow we will be closely monitoring the network. The problems seem to occurr only between 1 PM and 4 PM (PST).

We are sorry we have to again tell you of these issues, but we know you like to stay informed. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

EDIT: The most recent period of downtime may be due to the same problem. We are looking for a solution which will get everybody back online.

Edited by: ezboard at: 3/1/01 12:20:32 pm

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001


Problems only occur 1 pm - 4 pm PST, my fanny. It's been 24/7 for me.

I'm going to tell a joke. Cheer myself up, if nobody else.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

Posted it here, along with my response.


-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

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