finding photojournalist from the civil rights : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
Are there any books or interviews about photojournalists during the civil rights movement? I found one book by Charles Moore and a book on Gordon Parks.
-- Nia Simone (, March 01, 2001
You might want to look at "Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement," by Danny Lyon. A short description can be found at, Matt Herron ran the Southern Documentary Project during the Civil Rights movement. He is interviewed in a new book by Ken Light, "Witness in our Time."
-- Jeff Hayden (, March 07, 2001.
check out a photographer's work by the name of ernest withers. he has a book and a traveling exhibit. i forget the name of the book. sorry. he is from memphis . he was there during all that happened down there before king's assasination, during and after. he is still around now too and has a studio. you could call hi
-- regina h. boone (, June 06, 2001.