Looks like ezboard is down--AGAIN!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

I managed to get to the ezboard explanations site and Vanchau says they are having problems with their ISP; dated last night. He said the ISP was due to replace its routers--one presumes, last night. I managed to post one or two things before it went out in the middle of hte night and the same this morning. I also managed to reply to Vanchau's explanation. As soon as I can access Currents again, I'll grab the explanation and post it here. All I have right now is my response to Vancchau's explanation, which follows. Sheesh!!! Thie is VERY frustrating. I've wasted well over an hour already this morning.

Response to Vanchau

Our slow or no loading problems at pub15 have been occurring throughout the day and night, not merely during the time period you mention. For example, users from the west coast, Texas and east coast were experiencing access problems around two and three this morning. We gave up and went to an alternative, plain vanilla site we've created for just such instances. Our users are very busy people with real lives, jobs and families; we don't have time to refresh constantly and keep checking to see--just one more time--if we can access the board.

While we like and appreciate ezboard's colorful features, our board's main goal is to disseminate news and information in a timely manner. If we cannot meet that goal, we shall have to go elsewhere, even if we have to give up the eye candy.

In addition, trying to access ezboard's explanatory sites, like this one, requires much refreshing and waiting, perhaps because of all the sigs and icons, not to mention the forced "View all Replies at Once" feature. Perhaps disabling these features would help. I would have commented before now but have not had the time to wait around until this morning. I suspect I am not the only one.

I'm very happy to see you have disposed of the Big Bang Media problem, which was a great frustration, requiring as many as four or five reloads to catch another sponsor with better loading time. I'm only sorry it took so many days to resolve the problem, adding to our frustration.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001


Still down this morning. 9am MST

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

TB2K was down too... both went down at 10:15 PST...

Good time to verify my cut and paste source method now.... looks like everythings still intact, and working, except direct links to ez...

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

Got lucky and found Vanchau's explanation on my cache:

(It was dated 2/28) Recent ISP problems

For the last couple of weeks, we have been having major problems with our ISP. We are extremely disappointed with their level of service and we know its causing major problems for our users.

However, switching ISPs is very difficult, costly and time consuming. We have been working closely with them to resolve these issues.

Tonight, they are going to replace their routers and tomorrow we will be closely monitoring the network. The problems seem to occurr only between 1 PM and 4 PM (PST).

We are sorry we have to again tell you of these issues, but we know you like to stay informed. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

Well well, I was on this morning at ezboard, fixing DW's title and moving him to the Specialized Forums area. I even put a little desciption in the box. Was working fine around 230 am to 4 am.

Then I go to sleep and wake up to this?

Bummer day off man!

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

EZ down again noon MST

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

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