Correcting submitted : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
Hi all (sheepishly)I accidentally put 197880 instead of 107880 as a score and when I submitted it I hadn't realised the mistake. Then I saw all the people being emailed because of my supposed score. Then I couldn't find away to retract it *8(
Anyone able to point me at a "take it back I messed up" button in Marp ??
I emailed Zwaxy and submitted a "new" recording with an even higher score with a message to the effect of ignore this I cocked up hoping that people would read it before trying to beat the wrong score.
-- Charles Murray (, March 01, 2001
- log into Marp as you normally would when you are submit a recording - search for the score you wish to correct by using the Search link or the individual alphabet letter links - when you find it, since it's your recording, you should see an 'Edit' link - click it, make the appropriate changes, then hit the button to submitDat's it
-- Zylquin (, March 01, 2001.