What happened?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Why can't I get on currents?

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001


Hi, David - difficulties accessing Currents has been happening more and more lately. We don't know if ezboard has gone to cheaper, less efficient servers, if they're trying to save server costs by "rolling blackouts," if they're trying to make us pay for no-ad service or if they've had to lay off night staff and there's nobody around to fix bugs.

So we come over here to post and read :) Glad you found us.

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

Just gave Currents a shot -- it got as far asking for my password -- but that generated a notice that I'd entered an incorrect password. It wasn't incorrect.

The TB2000 board kept returning the message that the page cannot be accessed offline. I wasn't off line.

Repent! -- The End Is Near.... ^^ |||||| O O \ |__|

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2001

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