Spam comes in a tin with a : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
We should thank the loyal opponents of American President Bush and former Vice President Gore--Cherri and Ain't, respectively. Whatever their intellectual shortcomings, Cherri and Ain't practice truth in advertising.The near symetrical cut-and-pastes always include the identity of the poster. This allows the readers of this Internet bulletin board to ignore them, if they so desire. Consider it like the warning label found on American cigarettes. Is there anyone left in the developed world who does not realize smoking causes cancer? Is there anyone left on this forum who thinks Cherri or Ain't will provide a lucid, insightful commentary on modern American politics?
Let us not entertain notions of censorship? How difficult is it to simply scroll by posts of little interests? Why throw a temper tantrum like Future Shock?
Would you walk through the grocers and rant wildly about blue tins of processed meat product? Insist they be taken from the shelves? Refuse to patronize the store? Perhaps post a sharply worded letter to the manufacturer?
Those who eat spam do not intefere with my enjoyment of jamon serrano. It is a large enough world, and forum, for all of us.
-- Jose Ortega y Gasset (, February 27, 2001
For the unwashed,jamon serrano
-- (, February 28, 2001.
I see nothing wrong with copy and paste as long as it is tastefully done with just the right amount of HTML...
-- Uncle Bob (, February 28, 2001.
I have thrown those kinds of fits in supermarkets and written those kind of letters : )
-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), February 28, 2001.
Spamming IMHO is a denial of service. A continuous posting of threads that denies a reader the right to post a rebuttal or comment.
-- STFU (STFU@STFU.pip), February 28, 2001.
Why throw a temper tantrum like Future Shock?And why NOT get upset over something viewed as an injustice? As an internet "community" some folks are eventually gonna' get pissed off at the assholes like Ain't (Cheri is not included because she at least sticks around to defend her position and you can actually have a real conversation with her).
I think FS's boisterous vocalization did a lot to clear the air...stir up a little dormant energy. I think he made a stand to take back 'da power! And I'm with 'ya, FS! Anybody else on board this train?
-- Anger (, February 28, 2001.
Citizens arrest....citizens arrest......(in Gomer speak)Jose should have posted down in FS's thread,there was no need to start a new thread about this,if he wanted to talk about hams that would have been differnt,but I have seen no direction of the topic of hams introduced by Mr Ortega,even though I preferr country and Italian hams myself,I digress,I protest.
Mr Ortega,we MUST stick to parlimentary form and discipline ; )
-- capnfun (, February 28, 2001.
Naughty naughty back to your self-imposed exile.
-- Jose=Decker (bet@you.$100), February 28, 2001.
Jose, just so you know...I didn't post as "Jose=Decker" just a minute ago.
I meant it when I said I wasn't going to talk to you anymore, but I had to talk to you to tell you that! From now on, anyone who trolls you isn't me and I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.
Tired@ of this crabby.person), February 28, 2001.