Collaboration 3 -- Internet Encounter : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

With Lars' permission, here is an attempt at a more open-ended scenario. Ladies, please join in! Note that neither Molly nor Dan may not have told each other the truth. Or maybe they did. It's up to you...


Molly and Dan met online and have been swapping email for about six months. Their relationship has become more intimate: they've told each other a lot about their lives and have spoken on the phone. Now they have decided to meet.

Dan has told Molly that he is divorced, and in his early 30s. He has been married once, several years ago, didn't have any children. He said he is from a large urban area and has a stable career in information technology.

Molly has told Dan that she is in her late 20s. She told him that she has been married once, back when she was 21, and when her husband disappeared, she had the marriage dissolved two years later. They didn't have any children. She also said that she has a career that she enjoys and lives in a condo in Phoenix, AZ.

Molly hasn't told Dan this fact, yet, but she believes that she was once abducted by aliens. She secretly attends all of the area UFO gatherings.

The story can be told from either character's point of view.

Dan has boarded a plane for Phoenix and will arrive in twenty minutes. What is going to happen when he lands?

-- kb (, February 27, 2001


Have at it, folks.

-- (, February 27, 2001.

Molly was excited. She had seen You've Got Mail and knew that Shopgirl got lucky even without a pic or a phone call.

But she was nervous about several things.

What if Dan noticed the small crescent scar on her abdomen left by the aliens when they probed her. Would he think she was into kinky stuff? What if the aliens came again?

More worrisome were the results from the agency in Chicago. She had retained a PI to check Dan's background. Yes, he was single and solvent. Yes, he did work in IT. But the history only went back 3 years. Before that there was no record of a "Dan Bennett".

-- Lars (, February 28, 2001.

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